Common SEO Mistakes Bloggers Should Avoid

by Admin

No one can deny the fact that the digital marketing landscape has significantly evolved over the last decade or so. The ever-changing algorithm updates of Google and the never-ending flood of misinformation across the digital marketing sphere has often made online marketers lose sight of basic SEO practices that they should be employing in their digital marketing strategies.

It is vital to realize that the core principles of SEO and digital marketing are still the same, even though there has been plenty of algorithmic updates and technological interventions. This means that it is time to get back to the basics of SEO and content marketing to ensure that you are following the right methodologies.

Below are some of the most common blogging mistakes online marketers should avoid at all costs.

Not Doing a Proper Keyword Research

Digital marketers should make keyword research a priority when they are developing a content marketing campaign. All the content in your blog needs to be thematically linked by keywords and topics to the overall goals of your business.

If the content of your blog is simply covering topics instead of focusing on the keywords, you will have no clue on what your viewers are after. It is crucial to note that proper and skillful keyword research will help you to understand who your audiences are and what type of content appeals them the most.

Not Optimizing Media Files

Most of the digital marketers, even the most experienced ones, often pay less attention to videos and images optimization. Non-optimized file formats and sizes of images in your blog could increase the loading time of your page and draw away visitors from your blog.

Therefore, all of the on-site images must be formatted to .jpg format while the vector images should be transformed to .png format. In addition to that, you should also optimize alt text of an image to get better ranking in a targeted keyword image search.

Not Promoting the Content

One of the greatest content marketing or blogging mistakes digital marketers make is that they fail to realize the importance of promoting their content. Consequently, they don’t put in extra efforts to promote their content on social media or other platforms.

It is high time online marketers realize the fact that distributing contents over a blog on a fresh domain will not help you to gather social shares or backlinks without proper promotion. So, leverage your connections and do a better job at promoting your content.

Published: September 8, 2017