On Page SEO Tips to Rank Better on Search Engine Result Pages

by Admin

SEO involves many steps like keyword research, link building, image optimization, social media marketing, and many more. It matters a lot how you implement On-Page and Off-Page SEO strategies, as without a proper and organized SEO strategy, you will not be able to see any positive results.

Below are some On-Page SEO tips for optimizing titles that will help to make your website rank better on the search results.

Use Keywords in the Page Title

There are cases where web pages rank without keyword appearing in title, but still, this is one of the important and strongest On-Page optimization tactics. It is important to ensure that every page on the website has a title tag that is unique and has the main keyword in it.

Avoid Truncation of Title Tag

Title tags will have 512 px in desktop search results and if the title is lengthier than that, it will be automatically truncated and it looks bad. It will be better if you can keep the length of your title tag to 60 characters or less.

Write Attractive, Irresistible Titles

Titles should be magnets that attract internet users. It is true that you should use limited characters to play with, but with a bit of thought, you will be able to make it attractive. Add titles that are compelling, eye-catching, and trigger emotions.

You can have ideas from viral website or social media. Attractive titles can help you improve the click through rate of your site, and with that, the ranking of your site will also go up.

Manage Space on Page Titles

It is not necessary to add your brand name at the end of page titles, as Google will often add it automatically. If you add your brand name, it will be a waste of the limited character count.

Optimize Home Page Title

Home page title is an exception from the above tip, as the home page title should be optimized for your brand. It is good to provide your brand first and then a strap line. For instance, you can give something like: Your Company: The Finest {main product that you offer} On The Internet.

Published: December 9, 2016